She assiduously studied antediluvian history to assuage her mother’s demanding educational expectations and simultaneously attenuate her ties with her unwanted banal boyfriend, whom she longed to aver as her ex. Instead, she allowed her hatred to burgeon until it reached a caustic stage in which the tension was almost corporeal, as if it could be cut with a knife. She began to long for the use of corporal punishment, but instead relied on deprecating comments. The craven young man had such a dearth of courage that he failed to stop her belittling of him. He adopted a feral outlook on life, both Hamlet and Tarzan, as he thought his gloomy thoughts out in his wild cottage in the woods.
Walking in the forest one day, he became the target of depredation by a desiccated old witch, who otherwise spent her time issuing diatribes on the present state of her profession and the diffidence of young converts that led them to try so little. She preyed upon him in his own lack of confidence, taunting and scaring him. In reality, the woman longed to disabuse the general population regarding the nature of witchcraft, but instead she dissembled as a traditional witch, and was sure to be entirely dogmatic on the subject whenever questioned.
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