Sunday, February 13, 2011

Pieces of View

you tell me it is beautiful

but i can’t see.

it’s abstract art,

greek to me.

when i used to perceive

did it make me more free?

having less than

two lenses?




darkly (as in a glass)

all now out of focus

trapped in the bifocal line

a papered fly

an ambered mosquito

dizzy and disoriented

frozen in fuzziness

i need a new prescription

glasses, once hurled, hit the wall

and frustrated, fracture

. . . shatter . . . and scatter . . .

i’ve left the pieces on the floor.

tin (wo)man

clicking at a clip

like high heels

strutting to stay up

stopping might make teeter

the uncertain heart


hear the blood

check the pulse

touch the tempo

a persistent whisper:




it’s synapses, not ventricles

that slow



thoughts swirling



like blood in milk




hiccup! hiccup!

taste the tang



like blood in mouth

tinny, untamed

taking back the brain

Thursday, February 3, 2011

"And Often Is His Gold Complexion Dimmed" (william shakespeare)

Worshipped, a god:

Source of warmth, growth, and sight

Symbol of life; Life:

O, holy pun—the Glory of the Son

Else burn and blister and smite

Or wither and languish and die

—Make SAD

Scrawled on the prescription pad:

Seasonal Affective Disorder

Lack of Vitamin D

Added to the list

Of why none us is happy

It came out today from the cloudy melee

Of our gloomy state’s sky in winter

Can we soak in enough

For the sake of our health,

Wealth, and happiness?

Or to fire our sins

Of gloominess within

And place on a cross

The hope-loss,

Burn it down

And till

A new season?

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Snow Sabbath

On that day
the Midwest was a formless void
and whiteness covered the face of the earth
while a wind from God swept
over the face of the lake
For God had said
"Let there be snow";
and there was
And the people saw that the
snow was good
For the snow separated the people from
their schools and their workplaces
and their usual rat race routines;
So the people blessed the snow day
and hallowed it;
On it they rested from t
he work
they would have done
And Yielded their Wills
to the Weather: