Sunday, March 20, 2011



for the car to stop

the prince to come

a birth

a death

the day to end

the papers in


the confession

the cost

feeling lost

loose ends

never woven in

never tacking down the threads

only dirtying more party plates

and untucking sheets

once done

yet begun


and tired

of to do

Thursday, March 10, 2011

no words

when it rains
it sleets
and snows
and spews down shit
to hit the fans
and whirl the chunks overhead
in slow motion
that we might marvel
at their velocity
before they splatter
in putrescence
upon our heads
and weary weighted shoulders
and blossom like a cancer in our
broken hearts
and crust up like a raisin
in the sun
that dove through the darkness
and remembered only love
when there were
no words
for the pain